Robinson Crusoe,that's my name,I was born in York in 1632.My father was German and works as a merchant,buying and selling things,then he came to York,met my mother,and then he married her.I had two older brothers,one was a soldier but then died in France,and the other disappeared,no one knows what happened to him.
(06/10/2010) I went to Hull and met a friend that had a father wich owned a ship,and was sailing to London,I decided to go with them,the first day was very difficult,but the other day the sea was a little calmer,some days after that when we where coming near the shore,a terrible storm blew up,the ship went dow in the sea,and we escaped in a boat.
After one other voyage to Africa,I decide to go to there for a second time,but the voyage didn't go well,and we ended captured by pirates.I worked as the pirate captain's slave for two years,but then,one day I managed to escape with another slave boy called Xury.We carried down the coast,I was hoping to meet a ship that could take us in,one day then,a portuguese ship saw us and carried us to Brazil,there i sold Xury's freedom,with the pormise that the captain would free him in ten years.
In Brazil I started a plantation,I always thought that I could have done this in England among friends and family,some time after that some merchants and planters asked me to go to Africa with them,to buy some slaves for their plantations.
Some more times I was carried by huge waves,after trying and trying to ran towards the shore,I managed to do it,so I was able to climb up the rocks and get to the grass,finally,I was safe from the sea,I took a look around,and saw that I was not so lucky:I was wet,I had no clothes,no food and drink,gun,all the other men from the ship were drowned,and I was totally lost.
(5/11/10)When I woke up,the sun was shining,the sea was calm,the storm had died down,I was terribly sad for the things I had done,I had nothing,so,then I decided to go to the ship,I made a raft and took food,drink,clothes,tools,guns and two barrels of gunpowder.when I got to the island I found a safe place to stay,then I started to pick everything I could from the ship,after some hard work,I made myself a tent and slep very well,after doing this some times,the ship finally disappeared.
My next job was to find a safe place to live,and after some time I found a good place for my home,a flat piece of land on a steep hill,nothing would come down at me from above,it was plenty of shade,at the back of this place there was a cave where I could keep my things,It took me many days to make the hut and get it how I wanted it.After some time I put up a large piece of wood and wrote the date I have arrived on the island with my knife.
After some months working on my hut,I found out that there was corn growing near my hut,I felt sure that it was a present from God for me,One day,just after I had finished working on my hut the top of the cave started falling in,I discovered that there was an earthquake,I sat outside until it passed.A couple months after the earthquake,I became very ill,then on the ninth day of being ill,I had a dream that a man in a terrible voice told me that I have not asked God to forgive me,after that I started reading the Bible every morning and night.
After ten months on the island,I no longer felt that I had any chance of being set free,I began exploring the Island and found some grapes and melons growing,and i found too a beautiful green area,like a planted garden,I made a bower there and collected all the raisins wich I could keep for the winter,after that I returned to my cave,I began exploring from my bower to the seashore on the other side of the island,a little way from my bower i could see a land that could be part of America and after some more time I found some parrots and took one,I called him Poll.
My gunpowder was ending,so I decided to pick some tame goats without using guns.One day,I was walking on the beach and when I looked down I saw a footprint in the sand,I've became very frightened,and ran to my hut,first to protect myself I built another wall around my hut,and planted lots of trees in front of it,so after five or six years there was a thick wood in front of my hut,I also made a second enclosure to and moved a few goats there,two years after that when I was walking on a part of the Island I have never been,when I came down to the shore I saw bones of dead people on the floor,the cannibals had come to the island.
I got very careful not to call a lot of attention on the island.One day while I was working,I found a hole that led to an underground tunnel,I got very pleased to find it,it was a very good hiding place from the cannibals,and I was also a good place for keeping some of my guns and gunpowder.One night,there was a big storm blowing up,and I then heard the sound of a gun,when I went out to see what was it,it was a ship calling for help,after some days when the sea was calm again I decided to look for the ship,near to the place where I saw it I could clearly have a vision of a shipwreck,I came a little closer from the ship,and found out that It was a Spanish ship,I took some things from it with me,I took also a dog that was lost close to it,seeing a ship to get so close from the island I got the idea of escaping from the island again.
One night I dream that I would save one of the cannibal's prisioner,and that he would help me escape from the island,then I started to wait for the cannibals to come,until the day they finally came,and watching the I saw that one of the prisioners was escaping from them,so I helped him and saved him,he came close to me and kissed the ground by my feet,and then picked up my foot and put it on his head,he was trying to show me that I was his master and he was my slave,I took him to my cave and gave him some food and showed him where to lie down,he quickly fell asleep.
My new servent was a tall good-lucking men and about twenty six years old and his skin was very dark I called him Friday because that was the day when I saved his live.On the next day we went back on the place that the two cannibals were buried in the sand, he stopped and made signs that we shoud dig the men up and eat them. It made me feel sick and I told him to came away, he understood and followed me to the top of the hill.
One day I asked him about his country and why didn't he come back there,and he told me that he was a dead person for his people.Friday saw some boats in the sand and that they were very close to our part of the island, I began to feel angry and decided to kill them all. After that,Friday felt so happy when he saw his father and he could not belive that he had nearly died, and had been saved.
I had now people on my island I felt like a king,I wanted now that the Spanish people that were on the mainland to come to my Island,so that we could escape together.Friday’s father and a Spanish man went to the mainland to talk to the other Spanish men.One day when I’m sleeping I found an English ship coming,I didn’t know what to think,when I look with my telescope,there were some people and three prisioners,the three sat down on the sand,while the others were looking around the island,I saved the prisioners,and took care of the others,killing the two men who had led the mutiny.
After showing my hut to the captain,his mate,and the passenger to my hut,I heard a gun firing,it was the other men on the ship calling the others,when there was no answer,the put another boat on the water with more ten men,they came to the island and tried to find the other,but after no succes they decided to go back to the ship without them,we then made a man and Friday shout to them and lead them deep in the woods.Then,after capturing some men,the captain and some other people went to the ship to try to capture it,and he told that if he captured the ship he would fire seven guns,at 2 o'clock in the morning,I heard the guns firing,and I began to sleep.On the next day,me and the captain told the prisioners that if they went back to England,they would get killed,but that they could stay on the island,they became very thankful,and on the last night on the island,I told them my story,and showed how to make things on the island.
I arrived back in England in June 1687,I have been on the island for thirty-five years,I went to Lisbon,to find out about my plantation,there I found my portuguese sea captain friend,and he told me that my plantation was doing well and was being well looked,I gave money to the widow of my english captain friend and to my two sisters.I decided to ho back to England,but this time by land,five other people came with me,as well as Friday,there was so much snow that the roads were closed and we had to go over the mountains instead,we found a lot of wolves on the way,I nearly died when we got rounded by about a hundred of them,but we were able to make our way to England.After doing some things there,I came back to my island,and I found out that the Spanish had taken over it,I stayed there for about twenty days,and I left the people gunpowder,clothes,tools,and two workmen.After some time many more things happened on the island,and happened to me too.Well,that was my story,I hope you liked it.
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