06/10/2010- Day by day
On my first voyage, i was going to London to try and become a sailor. Unfortunatly it didn't go very well, the see was rough and i was very scared. I promised God that if i survived that i would never go back to the see again. however the very next day the see was better and i gave up on my promise. The see was very good until the very end of the trip, when there was a very bad storm, alot worse than hte first one. The waves were huge and the ship sank because of them, fortunatly were able to get on a smaller boat and row safely to the shore. Once in london, I met my friend's father he told me to never go back to the see again because God was showing me what would happen if i went back to see.
On my first voyage, i was going to London to try and become a sailor. Unfortunatly it didn't go very well, the see was rough and i was very scared. I promised God that if i survived that i would never go back to the see again. however the very next day the see was better and i gave up on my promise. The see was very good until the very end of the trip, when there was a very bad storm, alot worse than hte first one. The waves were huge and the ship sank because of them, fortunatly were able to get on a smaller boat and row safely to the shore. Once in london, I met my friend's father he told me to never go back to the see again because God was showing me what would happen if i went back to see.
One time I went to Africa to capture slaves, with that i made my money. But on my second voyage to Africa my ship was atacked by pirates. The pirates took me as a slave. I have worked for them and i usually go out in a ship with xury, unother slave boy, to fish. Until finally on one fishing trip we escaped. We went to an island and after that we were rescued by a portuguese ship that took me to brazil. In Brazil i became a sugar planter. Me and the others planters have decided that we had to go to Africa to capture slaves. Unfortunably we became shipwrecked, and I was the only that survive. I went to an island and there i lived until i was rescued.
When i looked more carefuly I saw that the ship was near the shore. Than i went to the ship to take some important things. like food and gun powder.
After that i made myself a hut near the sea to see if a ship apeared. I was scared that I would loose the notion of time, and because of that I put a piece of wood and made marks on it to count the time.
One day I was looking near my hut and I realized that corn and rice were growing. I became very hapy and I realized that it was hapening because when I was carried those things from the boat to the shore they fell and now they are growing.I have become very ill and to cure myself I start to read the bible.
One day I decided to explore theisland and on the other side i found some grapes. I become very happy . I had passed very much time in the island and I realized what times of the year that were better to plant rice and corn. And after a while i realized how to make bread
I made myself a canoe and sailing through the island I got lost, but i was lucky and I was able to go back to the shore.
I made myself a canoe and sailing through the island I got lost, but i was lucky and I was able to go back to the shore.
One day when I was traveling through the island I saw human bones in the sand. I become very frightned. because of that I realized that I need to protect myself and I made a safer hut. The human bones prove that canibals have been in the island.
I saw a cave in the island and i put gunpowder there to protect myself. And one night I saw a ship wrecking and after that I want to get out the island. One day I was in my hut and saw somebody runing in the shore. I went there and saw a native runing from canibals. I helped the native and he became my slave, I caled him Friday because i found him in a friday.
We talked for a while about our lives in the past, and friday told me that he wanted to go back to his home land, but didn´t because he did´t want to leave me alone. Eventualy later on in our relationship, I became very mad at friday, beacause realized that he was in reality a canibal. And he did´t beleive in the God of the bible. And Jesus as our Savior. But later on they became friends once more because we decided together to fight the canibals that tried to kill Friday, and we sucesfully acomplished that. I loved my island i felt like a king there.
Once Friday asked me to kill him but i obviously did not, i could not, he was my one and only best friend.
Friday and I helped a captain, by saving him from the canibals, and also helping him get along with his fellow shipmen. In return the captain gave me his ship. With that boat we went back to Europe.
We talked for a while about our lives in the past, and friday told me that he wanted to go back to his home land, but didn´t because he did´t want to leave me alone. Eventualy later on in our relationship, I became very mad at friday, beacause realized that he was in reality a canibal. And he did´t beleive in the God of the bible. And Jesus as our Savior. But later on they became friends once more because we decided together to fight the canibals that tried to kill Friday, and we sucesfully acomplished that. I loved my island i felt like a king there.
Once Friday asked me to kill him but i obviously did not, i could not, he was my one and only best friend.
Friday and I helped a captain, by saving him from the canibals, and also helping him get along with his fellow shipmen. In return the captain gave me his ship. With that boat we went back to Europe.
After all that, I was afraid to take a boat back to England, so I went walking. i was atacked by a wolf, and i nearly died! but I was able to reach England alive! Years later when i went back to visit the island. the people I saved were there, and i took more people to live there, to inhabit the island.
I am Robinson Crusoe and this is my life!
I am Robinson Crusoe and this is my life!
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